Interchangeable #2 swing filter paper (also compatible with original recommended) The Stelang optimum parva capulus factorem is very convenient. You start by filling it with fresh water and coffee grinds. After that, the only thing left to do is push a button to brew. And in just moments you have a steaming mug of brew, ready to drink and enjoy! It’s that simple!
Something great about Stelang’s compact coffee makers is that they can go in any type of space. Which means no matter if you live in with only a small apartment or have a tiny kitchen, you'll still be able to enjoy with a cup of delicious coffee every day. Its reasonable size keeps the Stelang coffee maker from taking too much space on your kitchen counter.
And best of all, the compact coffee maker is available in just about any color or style you want. You may select the one most similar to your personality and the appearance of your home. You can choose from black, silver, red and many other fun colors. Which means you can have a coffee maker which brews amazing coffee and looks quite good sitting on your counter!
The Stelang Mini coffee maker is ideal for coffee lovers who wish to drink coffee any time, any place. If you're always on the run, this packet coffee maker is easily portable, if you take it to work, school or on vacation. You can take with you everywhere, so yyou always have fresh and delicious coffee.
This small coffee maker is also good for those who don’t drink a lot of coffee. If you want only one cup to start your morning, you can use this mini coffee machine to get a perfect cup brewed in no time. You won’t have to waste coffee, and you will have a great cup of coffee without dealing with a big coffee machine.
The compact coffee maker also makes a good choice for people who live alone. This is the coffee maker for you if you don’t need to brew a lot of coffee. It can be brewed easily, in a few minutes, into a delicious cup. And because it occupies so little counter space, you won’t have to worry about a big machine making your kitchen look cluttered.
Stelang’s no-frills coffee maker is designed for people who just want to drink good coffee without the bells and whistles and the procession of annoyances that comes with all that. Well designed and stylish, the minimalist design makes it a good addition to your kitchen. It is also simple, so you won’t have to worry about figuring out how to use all sorts of different buttons or complex settings. Just add water and coffee grinds, and it does the rest for you!
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